
   GitLab Solutions 

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S nama možete riješiti sve o GitLabu!

  • Trebate li licence?
  • ...pokrenete vlastiti GitLab server?
  • ...ili pomoć u upravljanju CI runnerima?
  • ...ili s implementacijom i obukom?
  • Trebate li licence?
  • ...pokrenete vlastiti GitLab server?
  • ...ili pomoć u upravljanju CI runnerima?
  • ...ili s implementacijom i obukom?

Rad GitLab servera

Nudimo upravljani GitLab server vanjskim klijentima u našem podatkovnom centru, vašem privatnom cloud računu ili na vašoj lokaciji..

Tim doprinosimo neovisnosti o javnoj SaaS ponudi, većoj sigurnosti i boljoj kontroli vaših podataka.

Rad CI pokretača

Managed Runners could be entirely hosted or deployed into your private cloud account or on‑prem infrastructure.

Improve the security and performance of your pipelines by running dedicated and private runners.

CI za specijalizirane platforme

Specialised GitLab runners for developers who need to run their CI processes on not that common platforms.

GitLab Runner features and OS version available might be limited in some cases, and software licensing policy might apply.*

Podržane specijalizirane CI runner platforme
 x86_64ARM64RISC‑VAlphaSPARC 4m/4u/4vPowerPC POWER8zSeries S/390


If you wish to purchase GitLab SaaS or a self‑hosted license, we're an official GitLab partner who can help.

We can help you facilitate the consolidation of licenses across your organisation, keep an eye on optimal utilisation, potential savings, and more.

GitLab Reseller logo

Migracija, implementacija i obuka

Need to migrate your project to GitLab? We can help! We've migrated many projects from various VCS systems to Git in the past. Not just moving the code but also ensuring that the Git skills and CI mindset is adopted, as well as the industry best practices are followed.

We can help keep the original repositories in sync with the new ones for backward compatibility and backup purposes if required.

GitLab Select Partner badge

Usluge integracije

You may need to integrate GitLab with your existing systems or co‑host other tools. We can help!

Our customers are typically using GitLab with their own SSO/IdP and integrating with various other external tools in their ecosystem, regardless whether the GitLab has such a feature built‑in, or an external system is required.

Podrška za specijalizirane tehnologije

Having over 30 years of experience with MUMPS technologies, mainly with InterSystems ISM/OpenM/Caché/IRIS and GT.M/YottaDB, as well as with BEAM VM & Erlang/OTP technologies, we've developed a number of CI/CD integrations for these ecosystems.

Our software products are integrated, delivered, and deployed using GitLab CI and if you're using any of the abovementioned non-mainstream technologies, we're happy to share our experience.

Naše certifikate

GitLab Accredited Partner Technical Engineer
GitLab Certified C I C D Associate
GitLab Certified Git Associate
GitLab Certified Implementation Services Specialist
GitLab Certified Migration Services Specialist
GitLab Certified Project Management Associate
GitLab Certified Security Specialist
GitLab Certified Services Engineer Professional
GitLab Partner Foundations
GitLab Sales Accredited Professional
GitLab Sales Core Verified Associate
GitLab Solutions Architect Core Verified Associate